Use "treachery|treacheries" in a sentence

1. Treachery.

2. Rotten treachery for money.

3. But the demon is wicked, full of treachery.

4. Let something come of this treachery.

5. Why would anyone commit such treachery?

6. They faced him with evidence of treachery.

7. There is a fear of treachery.

8. He was almost ecstatically exasperated by Kemp 's treachery.

9. He was eventually brought to book for his treachery.

10. The existence of treachery finds confirmation elsewhere.

11. Duteous love can not contain the onerous treachery.

12. In Badasses, Peter Richmond chronicles the treacheries, debauchery, and yes, the winning, with appropriate literary gusto

13. Book 5 in The Bugging Out Series Treachery

14. In contrast, Hosea shows Israel’s treachery and infidelity.

15. Naturally, Labour supporters have shrouded MacDonald's name in treachery.

16. Selling military secrets is an unforgivable act of treachery.

17. 21 Such treachery should be repaid in specie.

18. His treachery led to the capture and imprisonment of his friend.

19. Even with treachery the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously.’

20. Hypocrites can be identified, by their lies, duplicity, Crookedness, deceptiveness, and treachery

21. In what ways does Malachi’s counsel regarding treachery apply today?

22. 10 Selling military secrets is an unforgivable act of treachery.

23. Her father threw her into prison for her treachery to him.

24. For treachery and cold-blooded murder it has seldom been surpassed.

25. 18 synonyms for Apostasy: desertion, defection, treachery, heresy, disloyalty, backsliding, perfidy

26. Treachery grows well in the fertile soil of contempt I've tilled.

27. Still we have our limits beyond which we call dissimulation treachery.

28. 14. (a) How does Jehovah feel about treachery in a marriage?

29. 27 Untold are the reaches of his barbarities, uncounted the number of his treacheries, beyond belief the depravity of his practices.

30. 18 Untold are the reaches of his barbarities, uncounted the number of his treacheries, beyond belief the depravity of his practices.

31. Jesus “did no wrong, [and] no treachery was found on his lips.”

32. Crook had resigned his post rather than be party to such treachery.

33. The drama faces many types of treachery such as households Bewraying lover

34. The drama faces many types of treachery such as households Bewraying lover

35. Marshak never forgave Adelson for what he considered an act of treachery.

36. 18. (a) Why is treachery not too strong a word to describe adultery?

37. It is Brazenly stated that bribery, deceit, and treachery are to be used

38. Corley said she was standing down as leader because of the treachery of her own colleagues.

39. When the king learned of his brother's treachery, he quickly ordered his execution.

40. With my treachery, I got my revenge on you, on her and on myself.

41. Synonyms for Apostasies include defection, disloyalty, faithlessness, perfidy, treachery, desertion, heresy, backslidings, betrayal and recantations

42. Through various forms of operating system treachery(Sentencedict), programs like these increase system resources.

43. In December 2013, Kim Jong-un's uncle Jang Song-thaek was arrested and executed for treachery.

44. I've very good mind to shake you severely, for your contemptible treachery, and your imbecile conceit.

45. The marriage vow is a solemn promise that should lead to a permanent bond, not to treachery.

46. 14 In this scenario, Lin and his high military commanders, sensing's treachery, plotted a preemptive coup d'etat.

47. His father had suffered the humiliation because of Mills' treachery and so the traitor should suffer in the same way.

48. The spring of 1692 brought renewed threats of a French invasion and new accusations of Jacobite treachery.

49. I have not been undergoing any of the following: imprisonment, being wanted by judiciary, sentenced for insurgence, treachery, corruption or homicide.

50. Betray definition, to deliver or expose to an enemy by treachery or disloyalty: Benedict Arnold Betrayed his country

51. By fair means or foul, by soft words and hard deeds... by treachery, by cunning, by malpractice... but always win.

52. Soviet reconnaissance flights had confirmed that Israeli forces were moving south, and the Soviets accused the Israelis of treachery.

53. A Soviet Politburo assessment referred to Amin as "a power-hungry leader who is distinguished by brutality and treachery".

54. Transgression and treachery are inveterate faults of the people, not mere occasional sins. —Psalm 95:10; Malachi 2:11.

55. Adam's apparent lack of concern enraged Mike, as hurt by his brother's treachery as he was by the theft.

56. As nothing else, the child within her womb kept reminding her daily, hourly of the treachery she had perpetrated.

57. Alexios had already promised the throne to John, and when John took his father's signet ring Irene accused him of treachery and theft.

58. The Holy War made by Shaddai upon Diabolus John Bunyan If they mean any treachery, such as a decoy and Ambuscado, …

59. The inadequacy and treachery of the old leaderships of the working class have made the need all the more imperative.

60. Treachery from a party gearing up below White Slab - only to sneak on to Great/Bow ahead of the queue.

61. In the van that brought him to the military school, Dreyfus is said to have confided his treachery to Captain Lebrun-Renault.

62. For many battered women the unpredictable treachery of a deadly serpent is an apt characterization of the abusive actions of their husbands.

63. Hideyoshi defeated Mitsuhide within a month, and was regarded as the rightful successor of Nobunaga by avenging the treachery of Mitsuhide.

64. 8 It lent the conversation below an air of unimportance, of distance—murder and treachery seemed the names of faraway places.

65. And yet it would be the blackest treachery to Holmes to draw back now from the part which he had intrusted to me.

66. After a furious argument during which he accused the prime minister of treachery, he announced that he would resign his Cabinet position.

67. Then he warmed to it, and smoothly set out all his shifts, malices, and treacheries, his extreme Boldnesses (he was desperate bold); his retreats, shufflings, and counterfeitings (he was also inconceivably a coward) presumptuousness (typography) The …

68. Once a proud and savage Skywrath scion, Shendelzare was first in succession for the Ghastly Eyrie until a sister's treachery robbed her of her birthright.

69. Yeah. And a lot of we call treachery, you know, where one state would join with another state, and gang up on the third one.

70. To eliminate dissent, the government imprisoned thousands in forced-labour camps or executed them for crimes such as alleged treachery or for disrupting the proletarian dictatorship.

71. 26 Yeah. And a lot of we call treachery, you know, where one state would join with another state, and gang up on the third one.

72. On 12 December 2013, North Korean news outlets reported that Kim Jong-un had ordered the execution of his uncle Jang Song-thaek due to "treachery".

73. ANCIENT IRISH POETRY VARIOUS But you must always bear in mind that treachery is one of the Commonest vices of the East; you can't be too careful

74. Belial is one of the most important and evil Demons, who is deceptively beautiful in appearance and soft in voice, but full of treachery, recklessness, and lies

75. Slaves across the Republic, humble and grateful to their masters for so many years, have broken to treachery in the wake of ever expanding legend of Spartacus.

76. 21 Once a proud and savage Skywrath scion, Shendelzare was first in succession for the Ghastly Eyrie until a sister's treachery robbed her of her birthright.

77. Yeah. And a lot of we call treachery, you know, where one state would join with another state, and gang up on the third one. You know?

78. 25 Yeah. And a lot of we call treachery, you know, where one state would join with another state, and gang up on the third one. You know?

79. Adrian Sullivan Grand Prix-Memphis 1999 Top 8 Main Deck Sideboard 4 Yavimaya Elder 4 Albino Troll 2 Acridian 2 Pallinchron 3 Powder Keg 3 Stroke of Genius 2 Hush 3 Rescind 1 Miscalculation 2 Power Sink 3 Rewind 3 Treachery 3 Annul 4 Treetop Village 9 Island 10 Forest 2 Faerie Conclave 2 Quash 1 Treachery 2 Rebuild 3 Arcane Lab 2 Turnabout 1 Rewind 1 Annul 1 Acridian 1 …

80. MI5 files reveal details of British agent's wartime treachery When subjected to some Affrontery, he slowly pulls them off and uses them to slap the face of the offender